Free Resources
Muscogee (Creek) Nation Language AppThe language app developed by the Muscogee (Creek) Nation is a good app to take with you and study the language.
Rosemary Teaches MvskokeImmersion lessons in Mvskoke based loosely on Where Are Your Keys?
Presented by Memrise |
Muskogee (Creek) Language ProjectThis site is a collaboration between faculty at the College of William and Mary and the University of Oklahoma and is designed to make basic sources on the Muskogee (or Creek) language available to a wider audience.
Vpoket ’PunahoyvkĒts! (Let’s sit and talk!)In August 2015, the Seminole Nation’s Pumvhakv School began conducting video interviews of fluent Seminole and Muskogee (Creek) speakers. The project will continue until the summer of 2017.
"Creek (Muskogee) Texts" Study Material for ClassAs we go through the selected stories out of the Muscogee Texts by Haas -Hill, you can find all related material here.
Remember it is up to you to help with the ‘unpacking’ of the material, while we will have a discussion on various aspects of what is written. |
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma Maskoke vocal builder |